Chocolate from the Ivory Coast – Origines & Saveurs

Chocolate from the Ivory Coast

Origines & Saveurs offers you chocolate with unique flavours that is the realisation of a young Ivorian Axel Emmanuel. Discover his world at the centre of chocolate!

What is the history and provenance of this chocolate?

This chocolate is produced in Côte d'ivoire. Axel Emmanuel is inspired by the terroir of Africa to make unique flavours. Most of the ingredients used in the recipes come from local producers. This quality chocolate follows international standards in production and sustainability. There are no intermediaries which allows the nutritional values of the cocoa bean to be preserved as well as a good distribution of income from the cocoa sector.

Axel Emmanuel's vision

Thechocolate sector has a rather bad reputation. Chocolate is seen as an exploitation of cocoa beans, the destruction of natural areas or the exploitation of child labour,...

This poverty can be ended by changing the rules of the global economy.

Axel Emmanuel wants to put an end to this and is convinced that one can change the rules of the game of the Ivorian economy through skills, work and finances. So why not with chocolate?

It is the planters' wives who are the first people to benefit from this change. They become thebest allies in this struggle for better living conditions. It is important to highlight the knowledge and know-how of these women by respecting theirliving conditions and paying them fairly.

This is the concept that Axel Emmanuel is implementing in the chocolate sector! Through him, it is the expression of an Ivorian, African and human citizenship that invites you to the heart of the mutualist experience: mutual aid, exchange, respect, sharing and transmission.

How do we get cocoa?

Cocoa is a powder obtained from grinding the kernel of the cocoa beans produced by the cocoa tree. The cocoa tree is a very present tree in the history of African agriculture.

The benefits of chocolate

The chocolate is suitable for everyone, young and old alike, and even for people watching their cholesterol or waistline! You just have to consume itin moderation.

The dark chocolate has more cocoa and is therefore higher in energy. It will also be higher in fat and nutrients. Milk chocolate is less fatty but sweeter.

Chocolate provides a huge number of health benefits:

Limiting constipation

The cacao, thanks to the fibre of which it is composed, would limit constipation by stimulating the intestinal transit. Chocolate also contains polyphenols that strengthen the intestinal mucosa.

An antioxidant ally

Chocolate is veryrich in flavonoids which are antioxidants contained in cocoa powder (about 10%). These flavonoids play an important role in preventing certain diseases such as cancer or cell ageing.

The cardiovascular and blood system

The black chocolate strengthens blood circulation and artery function. Again, flavonoids help limit the appearance of badcholesterol, improve clotting and limit the dilation of blood vessels. This helps limit the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Cocoa presents an excellent source of magnesium. This helps to combat fatigue and stress, elements that play negatively on morale. The serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in chocolate that plays a vital role in mood. Indeed, it helps to bring a feeling of soothing and well-being, which often leads to the idea that chocolate is an antidepressant.